Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lost money, new junk to do

In the week or so since my last post, my life has become increasingly dominated by three big events: 1.) My last day at work, 2.) My move out of my apartment, and 3.) My move to Hawaii. Those last two are separated by about a week and a half, so I count them separately.

Today was a rotten day. I went to the post office with two boxes to send to Hawaii, and along the way I lost $200. I had two $100 bank checks in a white envelope, and somewhere between my school and Emart they fell out of my back pocket. I guess the way I was carrying my luggage cart behind me, the back of my hand rubbed against my back pocket and drew it out.

I'm kind of bummed about that, but it's not worth betting upset over -- it's only money, and maybe there's something I can do to get it back. These "bank checks" are numbered, and I've heard there is some sort of process for recovery if they're lost.

I also found out today that my coordinator wants me to do a lot more than just prepare the "Big Tests" for the new teacher. I also need to do the evaluation comments for all fifty-five students ( six line paragraph for each), write all of next week's lesson plans, fill out class transfer forms for my six Kindergarten classes, and write the Kindergarten lesson plans for next week -- all by Friday. Oh, one more thing -- I think I'll also have to do the next week's homework sheets for the afternoon classes. If I don't do these things, I can guess I won't get any of the bonus I was promised if I avoided any problems.

Thumbs down.

And while I can complain that these things were put on me at the last moment, it's falling on deaf ears. My coordinator says "it's common sense" I had to do this and that I should have known about them all along. "The other teacher who's leaving on Friday already turned in her stuff, so why haven't you? " Well, because you didn't ask for it to be done by today. Hey, wasn't it I who brought up the idea in the first place?

It doesn't matter that I'm already working a couple classes over my contract this week -- this stuff's gotta get done and I either "should have known about it" or "asked a question beforehand." So it's my fault....

Well, tonight after work I retraced my steps to Emart while it was still light, but couldn't find anything. I went home and worked on the Kindergarten class transfer forms and the lesson plans for the next week. At about midnight I went to bed, with plans to wake up early and work on them some more.


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