Thursday, September 29, 2005

Charts make brain mushy

Status update:
  • I'm sitting in graduate level Statistics class (learning about control charts), and I'm blogging.

  • I'm feeling justified about my clear violation of slacking limitations because one classmate sitting in front of me is playing a video game emulator on his computer (a third person shooter).

  • I haven't slept much this week because of a case study write-up and 10 page group paper due Tuesday, plus a marketing and big Stats report my group turned in today. My group worked on it from 2:00 to 10:00 last night, and I was up till 3:00 this morning cleaning it up and formatting it. :-(

  • Because of all the stress and fatigue, from my brain is totally skRewed.

  • Positively skRewed.

  • So skRewed it exceeds the 1.00 limit by which we can assume normal skRewedness.

  • Oh man, I need to get some sleep....

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