Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bad wedding news

Well, it's not the worst -- SY is still coming and things are still going as planned. It's just that no one from my father's side of the family will be coming.

My grandfather backed out shortly after the engagement announcement because of his health. He's 78 years old, and a 10 to 12 hour plane flight away, so although I'd have liked him to come maybe he's better off. We all remember what happened when he visited me in Korea in February, so no one's going to push him too hard on this one.

My dad said that for financial reasons my stepmom wouldn't be able to come, which I was bummed about, but she doesn't do well with flying anyway. Unfortunte, but they told me in September when I announced the engagement, so I've gotten over that.

The newest and roughest news is that my dad won't be coming, either. I called him yesterday to say he could stay in my apartment rather than try to find a hotel room, and he told me that my stepmom had recently finished having knee replacement surgery. Because he's the only one working right now, and she won't be able to get up for about a month, he'll have to stay nearby to take care of her.

It's disappointing news to come three weeks before the wedding, and moreso that it came from a call I made to him, rather than the other way around. What bad timing for my stepmom's knees to get arthritis....

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