Saturday, December 16, 2006

Quest for Federal Employment

In addition to my bid to become a foreign service officer, I've also got ten applications outstanding for other positions, including the Presidential Management Fellows program.

In case my preferred State department timetable doesn't work out as I'd like, I'd like to do the PMF program. I only heard about it from a listserve email from the State Department two weeks before the application deadline, but I got my application in and submitted a request for a nomination from University of Hawaii.

Their deadline for a nomination was December 13. Hopefully, that will come through, but I won't find out for another two or three weeks whether I indeed got nominated or not. From there I would have to show up for a test to determine final suitability(sounds familiar), and if I pass would get an offer in March. In April there's a job fair in Washington with all the agencies that sponsor the fellows, and I could get a job then.

For two years I would get paid according to the GS-9 pay scale, and possibly have rotating assignements in different positions. After two years (and a maybe a promotion sometime in there) I would be prepared for a career position within the federal government.

Sounds neat. I hope something works out soon.

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