Monday, February 05, 2007

Best PDA Chinese Dictionary

One of this year's CHEMBA participants asked me what Chinese dictionary application I installed on my PDA. The answer is PlecoDict, available at

If you're studying Chinese or going to China and you have a PDA, I recommend this software wholeheartedly. It's immensely useful because it saves a LOT of time when looking up characters, and is way more convenient than carrying around a dictionary. Depending on how you use it, it might also be good in conversations, as you can pass your PDA and stylus to a friend, and have them write out a character that you're having a hard time understanding.

Another good software is DimSum, available for free at DimSum can be installed onto a PC, and is works similarly. One great thing about DimSum is that you can copy Chinese text into its "Notepad" window, and move the cursor over the text for instant look-up. This feature saved me a lot of time while I was at my internship.

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