Saturday, May 26, 2007

Summer term starts

The summer term starts Monday the 28th, and with it comes a new schedule. Being “the new guy,” that means getting the rottenest schedule. It’s the same number of classes as before, but they’re spread out over six days instead of four.

Instead of working MTRF 4 to 10, I’ll be working MWFS 4 to 7, and TR 4 to 10. I’ve worked those kind of hours before, but it was as a retail clerk and a waiter. Most people would see that as a bad thing thing. I kind of agree – working six days a week isn’t all that great, especially when it’s for three hours at a time.

In my opinion, though, it’s a nicer schedule for two reasons. First, it means I get to have dinner with my wife another two nights a week. Second, if I pick up a daytime job it won’t leave me so tired in the evening. Plus, I can still go to my church’s midweek service.

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