Saturday, June 30, 2007

Korean Pizza Hut

Korea has a lot of pizza places, but there’s no place I trust more than Pizza Hut. Though one can find among their myriad topping options potato, sweet potato, and corn, they stay pretty close to the expections I have of their their U.S. dishes.

But when it comes to the premium pizzas, even they can get a bit strange. Here’s a picture of their current promotion:

If you look closely, you can see shrimp, cheesy crust, sweet potato, onions, peppers, and corn. I like shrimp, but I’m not sure how well they would go with cheesy crust. I’d rather just eat them separately.

In the same line of ubiquitous Korean shrimp foods in otherwise Western restaurants, here is a picture of a shrimp dog that I took back in 2003:

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