Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wacky dreams

Since I’ve come back to Korea, I’ve been having a lot of really vivid dreams. I've heard that people dream more when they’re stressed, and I believe it. Over the past month and a half, I’ve dreamed that:
  • I left a Stretch Armstrong at one of my old houses, and Eric told me Brit found it. He asked me what I wanted him to do with it, and I said he could just throw it away rather than sending it. That one was particularly weird because I’ve never owned a Stretch Armstrong in my life.

  • I met Will Smith, and in a friendly conversation told him he reminded me a lot of my friend Randy. (They are both from Philadelph...)

  • I was back in my grade school history class taught by Mr. Alderson, but with my high school friend Hugh with me.
It might be associated with the fact I'm not sleeping well these days, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, last night Britt, Rema and I were babysitting at the Cheng's. There was a Reed Richards Fantastic 4 toy lying around, but it wasn't stretchy or bendy, just disproportionate. It was a typical cheap-o kid's meal action figure: mostly solid plastic with maybe 4 points of articulation. I commented, "Man, that's the worst Horatio Hornblower action figure."