Friday, July 13, 2007

Working hard

These days I've been working two jobs: in the evenings I work at the hagwon teaching English to kids. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings I travel up to the center of Seoul to teach English to adults.

My morning classes mostly consist of discussions about recent news. My student subscribe to the Korean Herald, but don't have time to read it, so I did the same and then we talk about the top stories. That way they get two things done at once, and I'm able to vent my various opinions and get paid at the same time. Good setup.

So I'm staying busy, and things are about to get get busier. The "summer intensive" period starts the last week of this month. Because kids are off from public school, parents enroll them in extra English classes at the hagwons. In practice and purpose, it's the same as summer school in the U.S., but here it's more like business-as-usual.

In my off time, I sleep and play a lot of an old arcade game -- D&D: Shadow Over Mystara. I'm not as into it as this guy, Link, but it's been pleasantly mind-numbing. Unfortunately, it's also been taking up a lot of the time I should have been using to keep up my blog.

Sorry about that. I'll clear up my backlog soon.

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