Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in the Army

Thanksgiving was a strange affair this year. We were still not allowed to travel farther than 25 miles from Ft. Benning, even though we're less than one week from graduation.

And attendance at Thanksgiving lunch was mandatory, which messed up my sense of gratitude a bit.

So we formed up at 10:30 for some announcements and then started filing toward the DFAC. I finally got through this line...

... after an hour and 15 minutes. The cadre served us ...

... and I sat down in the nicely decorated Dining Facility.

(You've got to love this next part.)

The next formation was at 12:30, so I had to eat quickly and get out. Once out, we formed up again, and were released for the weekend to do whatever we wanted. I would have like to eat some more, but oh well. The Army rolls on....

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