Sunday, January 25, 2009

Army computer facilities

If you're going to OCS or BOLC2, I recommend you bring a laptop computer and a small printer. In general, the computer facilities here are OK, but depending on them can be quite a frustrating ordeal.

In basic training we didn't have any computer access at all, so this wasn't even an issue, but when I got to OCS the problems were obvious.

First, all the computers were locked out. The Army allows people with Computer Access Cards to access the secure network, but it doesn't provide usernames for the constant influx of temporary computer users. Instead, they just use generic usernames and passwords for the entire computer lab.

This creates problems when computers freeze up or people inadvertently turn them off. The dozen or so computers get locked out over time, gradually contricting the number of accessible machines, until finally the problem gets reported through the cadre (who don't use the computers and hence don't really care) to an administrator.

After a technician comes in and fixes it, everyone rejoices! And then the same thing happens all over again. The same thing is going on now in BOLC2.

I prefer to use my own computer, not just because I prefer my own settings, but because access is an issue here at BOLC2. Though it costs nearly $40 a month, I can at least access movie showtimes. The BOLC2 computers are really only good for email and accessing AKO accounts.

The second problem is that the networked printers are horribly unreliable and often overworkd. If you've got something that *needs* to get printed, you can count on EVERYBODY needing to print the same exact same document.

For example, in OCS we had to fill out DA-31s (leave forms), but we kept getting different input from different cadre about how to do the calculations. Some people had to print the same form more than six times. In a company of about 160 candidates, that was a lot of paper being pushed through the one printer we had.

Here in BOLC2, our company of 220 lieutenants doesn't even have a single working printer. I've tried going to the library to print things, but the only time we can get there is on weekends from 10:00am to 5:00pm. That's not exactly convenient for the needs we have.

So at this point, I think the best advice I can give is for people to bring a laptop computer (one that can be locked up easily) and a printer. By doing so you can avoid some of the worst frustrations I've had.

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