Friday, January 30, 2009

BOLC2, Week 3

Today marked the end of a long week. Tuesday was awesome because we got to do nothing, but as the week progressed and we waited for the snow to melt, we started to go a little stir crazy because we still couldn't do anything.

Thursday, for example, it got up into the 60s and all of the snow that was on even the most minor road turned entirely to slush -- not bad for driving. Yet the cadre, saying that it would freeze overnight, still wouldn't let us go off post. It was really silly. There was even a rumor that if we couldn't go out to our training site today, we wouldn't be able to go out this weekend at all.

Having been pretty much confined to the barracks area, most of our training consisted of room cleaning drills, correcting weapons malfunctions, sitting in classrooms listening to irrelevant banalities, and general wastingtimedness. I got the impression cadre were trying to keep us busy while we patiently attended the thaw.

All was not lost, though, because we got released at about 7:00pm for the Superbowl weekend. The commander even granted us a special favor -- the normal "no drinking alcohol within 24 hours of a training day" was rescinded for this one occasion, and Monday morning PT was cancelled.

Though I won't be partaking in any Super Bowl relevant revelry, I can certainly appreciate the gesture. We start week by doing land navigation, and I can certainly use the rest.

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