Saturday, February 07, 2009

BOLC2, Week 4

Sweet mother of pearl, I'm glad this week is done. We are now more than half-way done wtih BOLC 2.

We spent pretty much the whole time in the field, though on Monday and Tuesday we trans'ed back in the evenings after we finished our land navigation stuff. We spent Wednesday through Friday at the practice FOB alternating between crawling around and sitting in a classroom, and finished with a buddy lane, live-fire exercise.

There's not much to do this weekend but visit the tax office and see if I did everything right. Apart from that, it's visit the library and borrow some more movies.

I started to get a bit of a sore throat today, but I'm not sure if it's because of all the yelling I did during the live fire exercise or because I'm getting sick.

That would be bad; this coming week will be really busy, not just because I'll be squad leader, but also because we've got the 10 mile ruck march on Thursday or Friday after four days of little sleep. Hm...

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