Saturday, March 28, 2009

First Birthday Career Choice (돌잡이)

In Korean culture, the first birthday is a big event involving a lot of friends and family.

Now, being in Virginia, we didn't have the same number of friends and family around as we would in Korea or Hawaii, but we did the best we could. We got a hanbok, hosted a lunch, and did the doljabi, the "first birthday career fair."

The idea is this: you put a tray of stuff in front of the birthday kid, including a rope, some rice, a pencil, some money, a computer mouse, and whatever else you want that would indicate someone's future. If they pick the rope, it means they'll have a long life; if they choose the rice, they'll never go hungry; if they choose the pencil, they'll be a scholar; and so on.

This video shows P's choice.

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