Friday, March 20, 2009

TBOLC, Week 2

Man, I'm glad this week is over. On Monday we had had our third and final day of Maintenance Supply class; Tuesday we took the test (I passed with an 85%).

Wednesday we had Vehicle Recovery class (a.k.a. Fun With Winches), which I enjoyed -- I at least understood the concept behind the class. On Thursday we turned in our first written assignment -- we were to choose a Medal of Honor recipient from a past war and then write a sample letter of condolence to his parents.

Friday we did something called the "Lucky Dip." Basically it was a competitive road march with a few extra tasks thrown in. We started off at about 5:30 am with our rucksacks filled according to a predetermined packing list, and "rubber duck" [fake] M-16s. After marching a certain distance, we'd have to complete some task, and then pick up something to carry for the rest of the way.

We were told at the beginning that the winner would get two days "vacation" from morning PT, so we all worked very hard to finish first. Unfortunately, we found out later that the "vacation" hadn't actually been authorized by higher-ups, so all our effort was for naught. :-(

The best thing we got out of our hard work was an early release -- we got out at noon.

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