Saturday, April 04, 2009

TBOLC, Week 4

Not a bad week.

Monday was typcial. The schedule, by the way, goes like this:
0445 Wake up, get ready, carpool to PT (physical training)
0525 Arrive at PT location, wait in car
0545 Formation, get accountability for personnel
0600 Salute flag, divide up by class for PT
0715 Shower at the gym
0735 Breakfast at DFAC
0830 Class starts; breaks every hour or so
1130 Break for lunch
1300 Class again; fewer breaks so we can get out earlier
1600 Class ends; go home

Tuesday we got a visit in the morning from Gen. Brian Layer. Very personable guy for being off-the-scale higher than us. He's also seen his share of danger -- he was in the Pentagon on 9/11, really close to the impact site. In Iraq, on two separate occasions, he lost two people from his security detachment (he didn't elaborate).

On Wednesday, I went to a PCS brief in the morning, but 90% of it was a waste of time. It was really oriented for the enlisted guys coming out of AIT, not a general audience. The rest of the day was spent in groups doing a route planning exercise.

Thursday we learned about rail operations in the classroom, and Friday we put what we learned to use at the rail head.

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