Friday, May 22, 2009

TBOLC, Week 11

This week has been pretty cruise; of course, that's partly becuase most of us have checked out mentally, and our instructors know it.

On Monday we had a change of command ceremony instead of PT. Attendence was not mandatory, so you can guess what we did -- got right back in our cars and did anything but go.

In the morning and afternoon the half of the class I'm in studied BCS3, a tracking software for transportation stuff.

Tuesday we did a personnel accountability check in. We were told to bring our ID tags and ID card, so we all thought it would be a urinalysis test, but that was not the case. Instead we just had to sign a roster, and then we could go. It seemed disorganized because about half the company was jammed in the corridors of the school building, but it only took about 15 minutes to sort through us all, so I wasn't too irritated.

Again we studied BCS3 in the morning and afternoon, and again we got out at 3:00, so in spite of the mind-numbing boredom, it wasn't a bad day. A few of us participated in the blood drive that started at 1800, but I didn't want to stick around for three hours just to get out of one hour of PT, so I skipped it this time.

Wednesday we switched over to FBCB2, another software that's useful for doing ma overlays. During PT the ranks were a bit sparse due to blood drive participants being exempted. Plus, the squad that won the Lucky Dip obstacle course finally got their reward -- two days off from PT -- so they were out as well.

We got out nice and early again -- a little after 3:00.

Thursday was another sweet day. Because we ran the day before, and because of the cold, we did PT in the gym. The ranks for our class were even thinner not just because of the same reasons as yesterday, but because some people were volun-told to participate in the Memorial Day parade, and they had to practice or something.

I don't remember what we did on Friday (sorry - I'm posting this rather late), but being the day before a 4-day weekend it probably wasn't all that important. Bring on Memorial Day!

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