Friday, June 05, 2009

Review: Summer movies 2009

I've seen a few movies so far this summer - Xmen Origins, Star Trek, and Up. All three have been pretty good.

I saw Xmen first -- as someone who never read the comics, I can only say that I was very entertained, and that the plot seemed to hold together pretty well. It makes me want to go back and watch the first three movies for the interactions between Logan and Sabretooth.

(Yeah, I often wake up up in the morning and stretch like this.)

I had mixed feelings about Star Trek. Yeah it was fun to watch and yeah the characters were cast well, but two things bothered me. First, it was just another bad guy from out of nowhere. I felt the same way about Nemesis -- the series has run for so long that you can't get real drama by introducing a guy as a serious opponent unless he's rooted in some back story. (That's what made Khan such an awesome character. The guy breathed seething rage.)

Second -- and I agree with public forum critics on this -- it's not canon. Xmen Origins was able to stay within the confines of the previous stories; with Star Trek they negated everything else that came before. I mean, you can't send Vulcan the way of Alderaan -- how are you going to get Amok Time?

Sure, it's their movie and they can do what they want with it and I'll still watch, but it smacks of arrogance.
I gotta say, though - above all else I love the fight scene with Sulu. Good juju.

Pixar's latest movie, Up, was beautiful. The concept was cool (who hasn't thought of taking off with a bunch of balloons?) but what really drove the story were the characters. You have the recently widowed old man driven by a promise he once made to his wife (on a crossed heart, no less), and the young boy who wants to earn attention of a father who's not there. I was in tears from the very beginning.

If you have the chance to see it in 3-D, I recommend it.

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