Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I want for Christmas

My family's getting together up in Wisconsin for Christmas, and the question going around is, "What do you want for Christmas?"

I've been trying to think of some things to tell them, but I keep getting distracted by the other stuff going on in my life, and I can never come up with anything.

I could get something I could use at home, but I won't really be here to enjoy it. I could get something I could use during deployment, but then I'd have to carry it on the plane, which is kind of inconvenient, and in any case I don't yet know what I won't be able to get over there.

Until today, my wife's surgery eclipsed all these -- what seemed like -- trivialities. What do I want for Christmas, I would think. I want my wife to be out of the hospital. I want my son to get over his cold so he'll stop rubbing his cheeks raw with his sleeve, and he can recover all the weight he's lost. I want the soldiers in my platoon be with their families.

With this stuff going on in the background, it's hard for me to come up with a list of stuff I want. I didn't realize how stressed I was until I got home from the hospital. I tried to watch TV to relax, but it just didn't work. I found myself getting irritated about everything, and eventually just turned it off.

If there's anything I want for Christmas, it would be peace of mind.

1 comment:

- said...

Though McCain was defiant to the end, the Senate repealed DADT today.

"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Obama’s GOP rival in the 2008 election, led the opposition. Speaking on the Senate floor minutes before a crucial test vote, McCain acknowledged he couldn’t stop the bill. He blamed elite liberals with no military experience for pushing their social agenda on troops during wartime." [Source]

It seems no one ever told him that part about racial integration happenned during war time. Or maybe he just doesn't care.