Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rocket attack

Yesterday I experienced my first rocket attack. At about 6:30 in the evening I heard one whiz by and impact within about a half-mile from our housing. At first I wasn't sure of that's what it was (there are a lot of sounds near an airfield), but sure enough, a few seconds later then klaxon confirmed it.

At the time, I was sitting in my room shopping for a camera online, and it made me jump. It sounded a bit like a plane firing a missile, but with a small, short impact blast.

The company is used to this sort of thing. Everyone waited a couple minutes for things to settle and then calmly walked over to the concrete barricades built for such a purpose, where we chatted and waited some more for the "all clear."

Afterwards, we got accountability, sent up our report to battalion, and went on about our business.

Later, I found out that it landed near one of the nearby dining facilities. Our maintenance warrent officer was inside, but wasn't injured -- he just got some ringing in his ears. According to rumor, somebody else from our battalion got scratched by a piece of shrapnel.

That lucky person will get a Purple Heart.

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