Saturday, February 12, 2011

First mission, Day 4: Back to Frontenac

In the morning, we checked the loads again and got the busted up PLS ready for towing. Seeing that heavy thing lifted up that high was a sight to see.

Because mission commander (not the guy in charge of the convoy, just the cargo-related stuff) got his truck messed up, I gave up my seat and rode in the back of one of the convoy escort trucks.

After a slightly shorter, but no less bumpy, ride back to Frontenac, we settled in again and got some of that famous dinner.

Oh, about the drink selection I mentioned before. In addition to the juices and stuff, Frontenac has Coke, Pepsi, root beer, Dr. Pepper, some diet stuff, cranberry juice, milk (in chocolate, banana, strawberry, and regular flavors), Snapple iced tea, and -- get this -- Beck's non-alcoholic beer.

Plus, they're always well stocked with salad dressings, steak sauces, and hot sauces. I can't tell you how many times I've made a salad on KAF only to find that no one put out any salad dressings. :-(

That in the left picture is a *crab cake*. I don't think I've ever seen a crab cake in a DFAC before. I also got green beans, mashed potatoes, tomato salad, and peach crumble. Awesome. Another special thing about Frontenac is that they have hard ice cream, not just soft serve. In the right picture, you can see the prailines and cream I got to accompany my lemon bar.

Sweet necter of life, that was good stuff....

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