Saturday, February 05, 2011

Got another box

To my surprise, I got another box in the mail a few days ago. A senior citizen from St. Louis send me some brownies, those orange cheese crackers, and a dozen or so packets of hot cocoa mix.

I sent her a thank you email and attached some pictures of us in the command post enjoying the brownies. What a nice lady -- to spend that time and money on someone she hasn't met.

I feel guilty to two things. First, because I never did that for my Dad when he was in Iraq in 2003, and second because my family has been sending me plenty of stuff, and I here I am getting yet another box.

1 comment:

- said...

I wrote a "thank you" note/email to the sender, and got this response:

Dear ____,

You have no idea how much I appreciated that nice thank you note from you. I've been sending care packages every month since the beginning of this war and have probably only received about 6 notes letting me know the box arrived safely but rarely a thank you. You made my day.
You and all the troops deserve so much from us and I try to help by sending snacks. God bless you and all your friends.



What a nice person.