Monday, March 14, 2011

American food comes to KAF!

I guess the DFAC upper management heard about everyone's complaints about the DFACs, and decided to make a change. Starting at the Independence Dining Facility, American food would be served.

The response has been HUGE. Compared to the "line" in my last post, check this out.

The line starts outside, goes through the hand washing/card swiping area...

...and all the way up to the serving area.

They answered my complaints about the hot sauce and the salad dressing. (I don't know about the coffee yet.)

On top of that, they're serving Otis Spunkmeyer cookies. I didn't even think about that. (Yay!)

Appropriately, a few days before my dad sent me an article from Slate about unhealthy military mess halls messing up people's weight. Basically, it says the military shoots its soldiers in the foot (figuratively) with the way it feeds its people. They issue height/weight standards, but feed service members in ways that set them up for failure.

I asked some people what they thought about it, and they agreed with the story: it may be good for morale, but most of it's bad for your health. Speaking from a platoon leader's perspective, I agree, too. About 15% of my people have issues with weight control.

From a business perspective, though, it's really hard to argue with the numbers coming that door these days. Apparently, you need more than an Army to keep people from eating what they want.

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