Friday, March 25, 2011

Family update

I can tell that my kids are growing. SY got a Skype username set up, so now we're able to do video calls. Even with a slow connection, the picture is better than nothing.

I'm surprised at how well P is speaking. He can say "crocodile" and repeat questions. I told him, "I'm happy to see you," and he said, "You're happy to see me?" That was pretty cool.

His Korean is doing well, too. He and SY were eating something together, and she offered him the last whatever-it-was, saying, "마지막이야," (it's the last one.) He gave it back to her and said, "많이 멱었어," (I ate a lot). So, not just good Korean, but a nice gesture, too.

C is a happy little girl. She'll play with P's hair, and he'll laugh. When SY needs to step away for a moment, she'll put C in the playpen; P plays with C nicely and keeps her occupied.

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