Friday, March 25, 2011

Mission #3: to Tarnak

This mission was interesting because we got to drive through Kandahar during the day. Here are some pictures from the two-day trip.

Left: one of my soldiers tightening a lugnut (counterclockwise because that's the direction of travel)
Right: the spooky single-lane bridge north of the city

Left: the ride down into the city
Right: children with what looks like cooking oil

Left: a restaurant in one of the city's few high-rise building
Right: the "road" to Tarnak

Left: my guys tightening down a generator to the flatbed
Right: the desert turning green

Left: a Chinook helicopter landing
Right: the helicopter leaving again

One other thing -- now that I've gone on three missions, I am qualified to lead one as a "mission commander."

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