Saturday, April 09, 2011

"Barbie for Men"

I found this sign in one of the buildings near our battalion command post. You can spend a whole lot of money on your weapon, should you so choose; I choose not to spend a dime. There are a couple reasons for this:

  1. First, I've never had to use it. I've shot 10 rounds with my weapon in the time I've been here -- all of them at a zeroing range. As logistics truck drivers, we have no business stepping outside our armored trucks for any other reason than a call of nature.
  2. I'll turn this thing in as soon I get back, so there's no use in juicing the thing up. Would you invest in bling-bling hubcaps for a leased car? Neither would I.
  3. In all honesty, I can't profess that I love my gun. I was hoping for an M9 when we deployed -- you know, some sign of being an officer -- but no dice. I'm stuck with the M16A2 musket, which may very well be older than I am. While other folks are running around with Close Combat Optics, I get the iron sights. In a sense, the only reaon I have it is because I have to have something, even if it seems as useful as an albatross necklace.
In Barbie terms, I got stuck with Hobo Skipper.

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