Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Getting ready for leave

Since my last post, I've gotten my Outlook up and running, so I'm caught up on emails and getting the maintenance tracking system up and running. It's hard, as a lieutenant, to be reporting to majors and lieutenant colonels at the brigade level who have little idea what's going on here.

I've also got a few unique tasks to take care of. First, I have to put together a PowerPoint presentation for the unit that will replace the Australian on in late summer describing what we have and what we can do.

Then I have to put together a bid proposal for the motor pool improvements we'd like to make, using a combination of Australian and U.S. funding.

Then, by the 8th, I have to draw up some training materials to go over with my platoon sergeant as he takes my place while I'm on leave.

I tell ya, it's more stressful getting ready for leave than anything else up to this point.

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