Monday, July 18, 2011


One of the big reasons why we're attached to the Australians is because they need our trucks to deliver water. Our trucks can handle a workload theirs can't, and we have container handling units that permit us to drop off containers without forklifts or or handling equipment. That's key because a number of these places don't have that equipment laying around.

I went on a mission recently to check on things, and I was amazed at the hoops my guys have to jump through to make these deliveries.

First you back up past the volleyball court. Then you go under the hanging line with one guy sitting on top of the container to prevent it from snagging (yes, patently unsafe stuff here).

Then you back around the pile of firewood, and set the container down next to the existing one.

At this point, we would normally just pick up the empty one and move on, but the empty one was too close to other buildings to allow that, and we couldn't drag it into a better position because of a PVC pipe of more cables just beneath it. Bottom line: we had to unload the entire container of 14,000+ water bottles by hand.

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