Monday, August 15, 2011

The Biebermobile

In an effort to keep track of the FLE's trucks (and their keys) better, we put one set of keys on a Justin Bieber keychain. As this truck has since become known, it is now "The Biebermobile." The problem has since become, "Which truck do these keys go to?"

Solution: let's put up some posters of Justin Bieber in the truck so you know which one the keys go to. So here's the picture the Australian operations lieutenant came up with:

I thought this was hilarious, because in this day and age, in order to be an international pop star, I would think you'd avoid gestures that would be considered offensive to multiple nations.

*sigh* Justin Bieber flashing the forks to all of Australia. That's like smoothly giving the middle finger to an American audience. Hilarious.

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