Sunday, October 09, 2011

Another piece of junk

This Forward Logistics Element (FLE) I'm in charge of has a number of forklifts, one of which can lift 6,000 pounds. Unimaginatively, we call it "the 6K."

Well, sometime back in June or so it developed a problem with its drive shaft -- a kind of problem that we couldn't fix here. The only thing we could do was try to replace it.

So that's what we did. In early July, a replacement left Helmand province. The plan was for it to be brought up here by convoy, and then we'd send the broken one back down. It should have been simple. The only problem was: it never arrived....

....until early October.

I have no idea where this thing had been for the previous three months. One report had it as sitting 3.5km northeast of its departure point, but that may well have been just its tracking beacon.

I have absolutely so idea -- not even a possible theory -- hwo this thing ended up here. As far as I can tell, it didn't even come up on a convoy. Some miscellaneous piece of U.S. equipment shows up on a single carrier and dropped it at our doorstep.

How long was it in Kandahar? How did it even get there? What's up with the three months? These are all questions I will probably have to wait for the afterlife to get answers for (if I even care about it at that point).

Regardless, I now have one more piece of junk to keep track of. In another of life's great ironies, this "new" 6K arrived in worse condition than the one it was sent to replace. As you can see in the picture, the tires are so flat they're sloughing off the rims. The windshield was cracked and the batteries were missing, along with all the immediate power cables.

What a mess.

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