Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Buy me out or promote me

According to a Sept. 25th article in the Army Times, the Army is looking to cut 50,000 soldiers over the next five years through voluntary and involuntary separations. [Source]

They're also looking to reduce accessions into the Army by cutting incentives. According to MILPER message #11-303 issued on Sept. 30th, the Student Loan Repayment Program is no longer an option for non-prior service officer candidates (like I was). [Source, AKO login required]

Although it's no big news that "the pin-on-point for advancement to captain also will increase, so that officers, on average, will spend 42 months as a lieutenant, rather than 38," (18 months as 2LT, then 24 months as 1LT) it will also mean boards can be more selective in who they promote. Only 85-90% of eligible lieutenants will be selected, according to MILPER Message 11-287. That doesn't concern me too much, though -- I've got two good annual evaluations

In addition (this part stinks), the selection board has been moved from November to April. It's quite likely that instead of spending 24 months as a first lieutenant, I'll have to wait until those board results are posted and get a backdated promotion.

On the whole, though, I'm rather excited. I got in when the Army was willing to pay my loans, and now -- with loans [mostly] paid off, I'll finish my service obligation in December. I'm curious what financial incentives the Army will offer me to quit my job.

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