Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Cleaning my parents' fridge

My parents are fairly neat people, and their refrigerator is always clean, but that doesn't mean they're good at throwing stuff out. I helped them with that today.

Here are a couple highlights:
  • On the far left is a habanero sauce from 2007, back when SY & I were staying with them.
  • In the center-right there you can see a black bean sauce and an oyster sauce. These were left over from my Dad's stint into cooking Chinese. Until today, I'd never seen a visible layer of dust on the top of something in a refrigerator.
  • The most jaw-dropping sight, though were the pineapple sauce, guava jelly, and mango-pineapple jam were Christmas present from the late 90s, when I a poor college student in Hawaii.

I'll be honest, though -- a number of those things are going back with us (their second jar of mayo, for example). So I can't complain too much.

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