Wednesday, February 29, 2012

BG Terence Hildner rememberd

Brigadier General Terence Hildner died in Afghanistan of natural causes on February 3rd, three weeks shy of his 50th birthday. As commander of the 13th Support Command, he was my general.

I'd met him only once, at the Christmas dinner in early December -- the day before he deployed. On the 18th, I attended his memorial at Fort Hood.

At the service, COL Knowles Atchison spoke about his talks with BG Hildner, and how he'd say, "At the end of the day, it's about relationships." [Source] I've been thinking about that -- it's all about relationships. Even in the Army, with all of its rank and hierarchy, that's true.

Today he was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetary with full military honors. [Photo Source: MSNBC]

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