Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chinese "tribe" slang

The January 28th issue of the Economist had this article about Chinese slang in it. I was curious about what the characters were, so I looked them up and confirmed them with one of my CHEMBA classmates.

Here they are, in the order in which they appear in the article:

蚁族 ant tribe
啃老族 bite the old tribe
嫁碗族 marry the bowl tribe
闪婚族 lightening marriage tribe
隐婚族 hidden marriage tribe
蜗居族 snail house tribe
奔奔族 rush rush tribe
捏捏族 crush crush tribe
房奴 mortgage slave
婚奴 marriage slave
孩子奴 slave to the only child
月光族 "spend your monthly paycheck" tribe

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