Monday, March 19, 2012

Mileage magazines

Faced with a bunch of expiring United mileage, I decided to buy into the "Mags For Miles" concept. Basically, you trade in your miles for magazine subscriptions.

To me, that seemed like a pretty good deal. I wasn't going to fly, I like to read, and the Army gives me *a lot* of free time throughout the day. So I signed up for everything that sounded interesting:
  • The Economist
  • Time
  • Harper's Weekly
  • Bloomberg Markets
  • Barron's, and
  • The Wall Street Journal (Monday through Saturday)
Now I'm not so sure this was the best idea.

Oh my gosh, I am up to *my ears* in stuff to read, and trying to wrap my head around everything that I have some sort of opinion on is really taxing. I'm just glad they didn't offer Newsweek or Business Week -- I'd have probably gotten them, too.

Well, at least I'm recycling.

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