Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ration card

Today's big event was the newcomer's brief at the Community Fitness Center, or "Super Gym." This palatial facility has not a pool, but a natatorium. Naturally there are all kinds of work-out equipment, but it even some conference rooms. During lunch, I got SY's ration card, which she'll need to shop at the commissary. We also took a second look at the apartment we're considering to rent. (More on that in a moment.)

The ration card in Korea is an interesting thing. To limit black marketing, there are caps at how much we can buy at the commissary -- a generous $1,500 for our family of four. There's also a limit on how much beer and liquor one can buy (though oddly enough, no limits on wine). For example, we're "limited" to eight 12-bottle cases per month.

They also keep track on PX purchases to see if you're purchasing an excessive amount of potentially re-sellable goods. For instance, if you're buying three bottles of vitamins a month for six months, someone's going to notice.

Though not something that's likely to affect us, I'll have to remember this once we move in and start entertaining people.

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