Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PX vs Amazon

Camp Humphreys has a decent PX, but it's not Walmart. Though it sells all the most important necessities (toiletries, clothes, 110V electronics, snacks, English GPS systems, etc.), space limits how much variety it can offer. They have deodorant, but not the brand I like.

Availability's an issue, too. Last week I went to the PX to buy a power strip, but they were sold out of the one thing they allocated space for: a $13.99 six-outlet version. Thumbs down.

So I'm really starting to appreciate In addition to the wider selection and nearly infinite inventory, it's often cheaper. For that $13 the PX wanted to charge me for the power strip, I got two. And I can order six-packs of my deodorant for about the same price as I find it in the U.S.

One of the big selling points is that there's no sales tax, but that's something Amazon matches -- a benefit that's becoming harder to find (Texas started charging its 8.25% sales tax on Amazon last year, and Virginia starts in July 2013). Delivery isn't too bad an issue, either -- the stuff I ordered on May 12th arrived in my mailbox on the 20th. Good deal.

There's one problem, though. For uniform goods that you don't mind buying in Costco-type quantities, Amazon is fine. However, if you want a mix of flavors, like chewing gum or individual-size iced tea packets, it's not really suitable. For example, I like Arizona Sugar Free Green Tea, but will I still feel the same after drinking 48 quarts of it? I'd prefer to get a little more variety.

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