Sunday, June 30, 2013

In case you were wondering...

[Source] [and anecdote]

...yes, we're still there.

As an OEF veteran I appreciate today's Doonesbury comic. As a logistician, I appreciated the Economist's April 27 article about how exactly we plan to get our stuff back out.

Basically, there are three ways out: through Pakistan, through Central Asia, and by air. None of them is both easy and cheap.

Pakistan is difficult because they won't let us accompany anything en route to the seaport. The Central Asia route is expensive, in part, because we have to go through Russia, and everyone along the way loves to charge us tolls. Yet even that doesn't compare with the cost of air freight. If the first two don't work out, it might almost be more cost effective to dig a canal than to try to fly everything out.

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