Thursday, March 08, 2018

The best sources for actual news

In a recent blog post, Dilbert author Scott Adams lamented that "The common view we see from the mainstream media is that President Trump is a monster and there is no doubt about it." In the title of his post, he wonders, "What if the News Reported Only Facts?" [Source]

Well, good news! To help us identify news sources that report facts, MarketWatch made this nifty chart (click to expand). [Source]

Among the most fact-based, unbiased sources are Reuters, Bloomberg, and Associated Press. Others, like The Economist, offer more analysis but are still fairly neutral. And then you've got Fox News, which is considered "hyper-partisan" and "contains misleading info."

For example, compare these two stories:
Fox News: "Trump said this, and here's something distracting"
Washington Post: "Trump said this, and here's how he's wrong."


EO said...

OK. But what is MarketWatch's bias?

- said...

Yeah, I thought about that too, but they didn't include themselves in their chart. That's why I didn't mention them in my list of reliable news sources.

Maybe they should stop worrying about other news sources and get back to work -- watching the markets!