Thursday, November 30, 2006

Failed Korean. Trying Chinese again

I found out today I failed the Korean test I took on the 14th. I guess it was that second part that sunk me. Thumbs down. The thing that bugs me is: if they're testing for Level 2, which is considered "Limited Working Proficiency" and defined as "able to handle routine tasks," why did they test me on my opinions at what seemed to be a higher level? My French test was similar, and that was supposed to be at level three.

The good news is that the teacher I had for Chinese class has been licensed (or something) to administer the same kind of Chinese test as what I'm trying to do, and during my visit she volunteered to help me. I've scheduled my next attempt in Chinese for January 3. If I pass, it might just be in time to get included in the March class.

For now the biggest task at hand is getting compensation for SY's medical tests. When I got back to Hawaii, I found a letter saying further documentation was needed: the letter authorizing the test, an explanation of insurance benefits, and an itemized bill. In addition, I had to contact my personnel tech to get SY "entered into the computer."

I don't understand why this is even needed. First, the authorization letter came from the State Department; why do they need me to send it back to them? Second, SY and I don't have insurance, so how can we get an explanation of benefits? (This was solved by providing a statement to that effect.) Third, we can't get an itemized bill. Because we had no insurance, we had to pay for most services with cash, hence no bill.

After calling the person who sent the letter and leaving messages for three days, I finally got a hold of her. I've provided the documentation she needed, and even spoken to the personnel tech, though that conversation was basically "Please put my wife into the computer."

Government bureaucracy.....

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