Friday, December 15, 2006

Around town

Dodgeville, Wisconsin, has a population of 4,500 and boasts having all three of Iowa County's stop lights. It also has a one way street in it, which my parents happen to live on.

Not all the folks in town are used to it, though, since it hasn't always been that way. So to keep the people who don't know and don't notice the two "WRONG WAY" signs from blowing the Chapel Street intersection, they put up a stop sign. (Click on the picture below to enlarge.)

Dodgeville's also a good bit farther north than I'd have guessed, so the sun doesn't get very high during the winter. I couldn't believe how long my shadow was in the middle of the day.

It's a nice place to come to, given the crowded places we've been in the past year. Plus, there's a lot of stuff within walking distance from the house. A bank, the grocery store, the downtown area, and a Cousin's Subs are all within 15 minutes. The house is nice (and getting nicer with each project) and we take turns making dinner with my parents.

Don't get me wrong -- I want to move on with my life as soon as possible -- but until Christmas I'm happy to make this my home.

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