Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Beijing and Shanghai pages ready

Over the past week or so, I've been sorting, renaming, resizing, editing, and formatting my pictures from Beijing, Shanghai, and Tokyo. So now I have some webpages ready and linked on the main page. They're not the only pictures from August to November, but I thought they'd look better sitting on a separate page than with the hum-drum daily stuff I usually put up.

I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out, but I've been using Mozilla's Firefox as my browser and I can't get the "thumbnail-to-larger picture" links to work right. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, but they seem to work OK in Internet Explorer, so maybe it's not just me.

At any rate, enjoy the three new pages. And if you normally use Firefox, too, I'm sorry, but you may need to use IE to get the larger pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian, I'm glad you were able to post your pics from BJ/SH. I disagree with you assessment that you wern't much help to us CHEMBAs when you visited. I thought your feedback was very useful. In that vein, I was hoping you could remind me what kind of character recognition software you use on your pda. Also, could you email me when you get a chance? I have a few questions about your Beijing experience. nallan@hawaii.edu


Naomi Allan