Friday, March 16, 2007

Review: Bridge to Terabithia

SY and I saw the movie Bridge to Terabithia a few weeks back. It was a good movie, but its a lot different from what the trailers show. The trailer makes it seem like the two kids escape to a fantasy world, when in fact they're just using their imaginations in a forest tree house they built.

I heard a sermon that related how important it is for teenagers to have a "safe place." I think this movie highlights that; in the movie, the two deal with the problems in their lives appropriately -- they don't just avoid them -- but at the same time they needed some time away.

I can understand that. When you're a teen, you're almost always under pressure from something. At school you're concerned about what people think. At home you're under pressure to do what your parents want. Your safe place is where you can really be who you are. In the movie, the boy was really good at drawing.

So it was a good movie. Not what I was expecting, but still good.

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