Friday, March 16, 2007

Review: Da Vinci Code

While my mom was working a late shift one day the rest of our family watched the Da Vinci Code. Decent. Interesting. Didn't like it.

There's just too much artistic license taken with issues that (to me) are too important to be messed around with. Stuff like Opus Dei, the Priory of Sion, and the Gospel of Mary -- everything's part of a conspiracy. History and truth are never that: they're just what they want you to believe. My favorite line comes from Tom Hanks: "No, this can't be this."

That'd be an interesting philosophy to go through life with. "Oh look! The books I ordered came in! No, what -- this can't be this...."

Just about everything that comes out of Ian McKellan's mouth is not true, or just plain silly. For example, while his character is explaining the history of Christianity, he talks about widespread Christian revolts and Roman emporer Constantine's faked deathbed conversion to save the empire.

That's just plain silly. Even if there were Christian revolts (which there weren't), why would he bother with a fake deathbed conversion? It was at that point that I kind of tuned out.

And if there were Jesus's decendants running around in France to this day, why would there be only one? Would they really be such strong believers in the Zero Population Growth movement? If you're really interested in this kind of thinking, you've probably already seen this.

Overall, the movie just ended up irritating me. If you really want a good conspiracy movie, go watch the Constant Gardener.

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