Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Back to Korea

In the five months since I finished my MBA, my job search has not gone well.

My number one pick, the Foreign Service, fell through in February. My number two pick, the Presidential Management Fellows program, got nixed in late March. Though my attempts at finding work in the private sector have only lasted about a month and a half, they haven't gone as well as I'd hoped for either. Now I'm out of time.

So SY and I are moving back to Korea this week. I have a job lined up with CDI, an English teaching corporation, in the southeast part of Seoul. I've been loathe to accept the same kind of work as I'd had before my MBA, but I'm left with little choice. My student loan grace period ends in May.

It's not all bad, though. The pay is pretty good, the hours would allow me to study Korean, and there's no outside work needed. Like the large Japanese schools, there's no homework to grade or tests to make. Everything is planned to a "t" with set lesson plans and online grading.

And once my F-2 visa (like the "green card" in the U.S.) goes through, I'll be able to pick up something part time, like tutoring business people on their lunch hours.

We'll see how it goes....

1 comment:

- said...

I appreciate that. Best wishes.