Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hero #3 Khaled Abdelwahhab

The Nazi regime's policy to exterminate European Jews is well known and documented, but few realize the Holocaust also extended into North Africa. After France surrendered, its successor state (Vichy France) enforced Nazi-style laws, and surrendered many Jews to Nazis.

Robert Satloff's book "Among the Righteous" includes one story of an Arab who sheltered North African Jews during the Holocaust.

In the Tunisian town of Mahdia, a family named Boukris took refuge in an olive-press factory, with other Jewish families. One day, an Arab man named Khaled Abdelwahhab decided to help.
"That night, he went to the olive press factory, banged at the door, and told everyone there to pack their bags and come with him," said Robert Satloff." For the rest of the night, he ferried 24 people back and forth in his car to a farm that he owned 20 kilometers away." [Source]

After the war, according to the account of the late Anny Boukris, Khaled Abdelwahhab was a frequent honored guest at her family's Sabbath dinners.

He passed away in 1997.

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