Friday, April 20, 2007

McCain lost my vote

A couple years ago, I would have voted for John McCain for president. As one of the leaders of a group of moderate Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, I believed he would be an ideal person to help mend the divide in our country. Not anymore.

Since then, he's moved to the right in -- I believe -- an attempt to secure the Republican nomination in 2008. While campaigning in South Carolina, he was asked how the US should deal with the Iranian regime. He joked to the tune of Beach Boys' song "Barbara Ann": Bomb, bomb, bomb ... bomb, bomb Iran.... The audience laughed. [Link]

In response to critics, he said "Please, I was talking to some of my old veteran friends. My response is, lighten up and get a life."

Hm. "Lighten up and get a life." Sir, the world is listening, not just your group of veteran friends. To Americans who are already on edge about the Iraq War your comment, and apparent lack of concern about who hears it, appears callous and needlessly provocative. Had your comment truly been intended for your audience only, you should have left the press out.

I don't think an apology is needed; too many of those have been going around anyway. You need better judgment.

So I offer this piece of friendly advice to the McCain campaign: if you want to win, you and your campaign need to show a little more tact, and a lot more sensitivity.

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