Tuesday, April 17, 2007


On Wednesday, April 11, we go the last snow of the year. It was really beautiful, but it was also a pain in the neck.

When it snows in below zero (Fahrenheit) temperatures, snow is really easy to shovel because it's relatively light. It blows around in the wind, so it may not be so pretty, but at least it's not such a back-breaker to move.

In late winter and early spring, it's a bit different. Because it gets relatively warm, the snow is fairly wet -- good for making snowmen but much harder to shovel.

At any rate, it's all gone now. After a weekend of temperatures in the 50s, followed by yesterday's nearly 70 degree "heat," it's all gone now. The last bit of snow from our yard melted some time yesterday evening.

With the golf courses now open, I guess it's officially spring.

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