Saturday, May 05, 2007

Finishing Training at CDI

Well, on my training at CDI is finished; I am officially a CDI qualified instructor. Yay.

Yesterday SY and I moved into our new apartment. We would have done it today, but the Children’s Day holiday would have made it nigh on impossible to get someone to help. (A bit like “Hey, how about helping me move on your kid’s birthday?!”)

CDI seems like a cool place to work so far, but I can see they have some problems with internal communication. It seems to be the typical kind of problems that occur between the decision makers and the implementers.

For example, we were told today that there was one girl in our training cohort “wouldn’t be joining us today.” Having been in training together for a full week, we all understood both what that meant and why that decision was made.

But later, our trainer backtracked and said she’d not been told – we found out that she just hadn’t shown up. Embarrassingly, we’d been told before her that she wouldn’t be hired after all. That’s not a great impression to have about a company that you’re about to work at, and privately I conveyed that to the trainer afterward.

My schedule starting Monday is pretty sweet: on MTRF I teach from 4 until 10. I’ll have to go in a few hours early to go over the materials, but with three days off per week the extra few hours of prep time doesn’t faze me. I doubt that will last when the new term starts next month, but for now I’m happy.

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