Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Training's finished; Children's Day

Yesterday I finished my training at the CDI main office in Seollung (선릉). It was a pretty stressful day, given that I didn't have as much time to prepare as I'd have wanted.

Because it was Children's Day, folks were out spending time with their kids, and therefore I had to move out of the training center office-tel on Friday evening. So I spent most of "final presentation eve" moving and cleaning, rather than getting ready.

Today, SY and I got together with her family. We met with her younger brother and went to a park along the Han River (한강), then went out to dinner with her other two brothers, their families, and her parents.

Hanging with her family (the two or three times we've been all together) is always stressful for me, for reasons I suppose are obvious. But I suppose that as my Korean gets better it'll become easier.

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